Neuroscientist’s Ass

Lena Suvorova
13 min readOct 19, 2021



“I work for the CIA.” he said, then pulled off her panties and tossed them across the room.

Inga laughed a little. “That is impossible,” she said in a quiet voice with a slight Russian accent.

“You are wrong,” he said.

“Really?” she said as he reached around and started feeling her breasts. “What CIA wants from me?”

She felt the cold wetness of the beer bottle as it pressed against her asshole. Then she felt a slow, steady pressure as the cold glass slid into her asshole. It felt so good that she started shaking.

“Perfect,” he said. “Now just stand and hold it there.”

Inga was bent over the counter with the tip of the beer bottle in her ass.

“That’s a good girl,” he said. “How do you feel?”

“I feel fine. I feel fine.”

“Not yet,” he said. “But you will.”

Inga felt him pull the beer bottle out of her ass. She felt the cold air on her asshole as the bottle slid out. She wanted to gasp as the cold air hit her asshole.

She had her nose pressed to the counter, and she was bent over with her ass in the air. She looked at him with one eye. He was drinking beer straight from the bottle. He took the bottle out of his mouth and looked at Inga.

“I know you are a neuroscientist,” he said. “You are an expert.”

She didn’t respond.

“It’s true, isn’t it?” he said.

“Yes,” she said. “I am.”

“Good,” he said. “Because we need your help.”

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Benedict. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

Inga looked at Benedict as he finished his beer and tossed the bottle across the room. It landed in the sink.

“Here is the situation. We have a space shuttle that flew to an alien planet. It was a secret mission. Only a few people know about it.”

Inga turned her head and looked at Benedict. He was looking at her ass. She said nothing.

“Yes, we lost contact with the shuttle and we were afraid that it exploded over the alien planet. We thought that all on board had died.”

Benedict slipped his hand down between her legs. He grabbed one of her thighs and pushed it up so that she was balancing on the other leg.

“That is terrible,” Inga said. “What happened to them?”

She could feel his hard cock against her ass. He started rubbing the tip of his cock up and down between her legs, through the crack in her ass cheeks.

“They landed on an alien planet and the aliens captured them.”

Inga closed her eyes. She could feel the moisture coming from her pussy.

“The aliens took them to a facility,” he continued, “and they were genetically altered.”


Inga felt his hand slide up to her pussy, and she felt him stick a finger in her pussy. Something else followed his finger. Inga looked back and saw him holding another beer bottle right up against her pussy. He was moving the beer bottle in and out of her pussy. He was fucking her with the beer bottle.

“The aliens also inserted a device into their brains that allows to control them,” Benedict said.

He pulled the bottle out of her pussy and then pushed it all the way back. She could feel it stretching her lips and opening up her pussy. She could feel the coolness inside of her as she felt the beer bottle sliding in and out of her pussy. She could feel the pressure building up inside her.

“After that, they have been sent back to Earth. We suspect they are preparing to complete some sort of mission and then return to the alien planet.”

Inga was looking at Benedict as he fucked her with the beer bottle. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to an orgasm.

Benedict pulled the beer bottle out of her pussy and slid it between her ass cheeks.

“We have to stop them, but we are afraid that they can override the signals from our shuttle controls.”

Inga felt the tip of the beer bottle pushing into her asshole. It felt good as it slid inside of her ass. The coldness against her asshole made her shiver. She looked back at Benedict, but he was staring straight ahead.

“We need your help,” Benedict said in a low voice. “We need you to go inside of their brains and rewire the alien device.”

Inga took a deep breath as she felt him slowly sliding the beer bottle in and out of her ass.

“You can do it,” he said in a low voice. “You are the best at what you do.”

“But how?” she said. “I’m a neuroscientist. How do I figure out how alien device even works?”

He took the bottle out of her ass and took a swig. Then he started pouring beer all over her ass, down the crack of her ass, over her lips and between her pussy cheeks.

“We can’t let them go back to the alien planet,” he said. “We can’t let them complete their mission.”

“What do you think I can do?” she said as the cold beer ran down her thighs and over her ass. “I’m not a surgeon.”

“Inga,” he said as she felt her pussy and her ass were already full of beer. “We have the best surgeons waiting to help you.”


“Yes, you will have everything that you need.”

Inga closed her eyes as she felt the beer slowly pouring from her ass. It felt so good.

“What do you say?” he took another sip of beer. “Will you help us stop those aliens from completing their mission?”

“Yes,” she said. “I’ll do it.”

Benedict took his hand off her ass and tossed the beer bottle across the room.

“We just need to get you ready,” he said.

Inga looked at him. “Ready how?” she asked. “What do you have in mind?”

He put his fingers into her mouth. “Oh, that feels good.”

She nodded.

“You will need to be tested.” he said as he leaned in and started feeling her breasts. “We have a machine that can do it.”


Inga could feel the beer running between her ass cheeks as he kicked open the door to another room. She recognized it as a bedroom. He walked her in and closed the door behind them. She noticed that the room had an old antique bed with brass posts and looked like it weighed a ton.

“What is that machine?” she asked as Benedict started opening drawers on a dresser.

She could see her wet body reflected in the mirror above the dresser. Her nipples were hard and her pussy was dripping wet.

“It’s a new machine, so I can’t tell you much,” he said and leaned over the dresser and opened a drawer. He pulled out something that looked like a metal tube with wires coming out of it. “It was financed by DARPA and it’s amazing. The world doesn’t even know this device exists.”

Inga felt her pussy getting wetter.

“It is going to be stuck in your ass for quite a while,” he said. “So you are going to have to loosen up for it.”

He started moving the metal tube up and down against her thigh. She waited for it to be pressed up against her asshole, but it didn’t happen. Benedict pulled the tube away from her leg and stepped back. He was holding the tube in front of him with both hands.

“Here,” he said as he reached out and took her hand. “Start by leaning over the bed like this.”

Inga turned around and walked towards the bed. She felt Benedict following behind her. The metal tube pressed up against her legs as she got on her hands and knees.

“Take a deep breath,” said Benedict. He reached around the bed and took hold of one of her feet. He pulled it towards him until she was kneeling with legs spread wide open and her face pressed against the bed.

Inga felt his fingers on her ass cheeks. He was rubbing them repeatedly. The metal tube was pressing against the opening of her ass. Then it slipped inside. She looked down and gasped as she saw the tube sliding inside her ass. It was pushing its way in and out.

“This machine is special,” he said in a low voice. “It can test whether you are ready for the job.”

Inga took a deep breath as she felt the metal tube moving in and out of her ass. It was taking some getting used to, but she started getting into it pretty quickly.

“What do you mean?” she said in a breathy voice. “Test whether I am ready for the job?”

Benedict slipped his hand on her nipples. Her nipples were hard and the coolness of the room was making them feel hot.

“You will need to relax in order to get into the minds of those aliens,” he said. “I want you to think like them.”

Inga took a few deep breaths as she felt him rubbing his cock up against her leg.

“And this machine will do that?” she said in a quiet voice. “It will make me relax?”

“Yes,” he said in a low voice, “And we are going to take it out of your ass when you are ready, but not before.”

Inga looked down at him and then back in the mirror. She couldn’t believe how excited she was feeling. She felt like she wanted to just enjoy it with him right there in the bedroom.

“Well, what do I have to do?” she asked.

“Learn how the aliens think,” he said as Inga felt him pushing her. “Recognize the images that they see in their minds.”

She had a strange feeling as she watched him watching her as he sat down at the head of the bed. She turned around and started moving towards him. She felt like he was watching her with some kind of fascination.

“Well, what do they think about?” she asked. She could see that his cock was hard, and it was sticking straight up. She could see a bead of pre-cum on the tip.

“The machine will help you. It is pushing images between your brain and alien brains,” Benedict said in a low voice. “It will show you the images of what is on their minds.”

She looked at him over her shoulder and then dropped onto the bed beside him. He reached out for her hand and pulled her towards him.

“You will think about the images in your mind,” he said in a low voice, “and see if they are similar. That’s why we need a very experienced neuroscientist.”

Inga took a deep breath as she felt him pulling her towards him. As she moved closer to him, he pulled her hand up between his legs. She could feel his cock right underneath her hand.

“Alright, what images are on their minds?” she asked. She could feel his cock throbbing underneath her fingers.

“Sex,” he said in a low voice. “They all think about sex.”

“What kind of sex?” she whispered in a hushed voice. “What things do they think about when they think about sex?”

“You will see,” he said. “I think you are ready for it.”

He pulled her head down towards his cock and she could feel his cock sliding into her mouth as he started pulling her down towards him. She opened up and let the head of his cock slip between her lips. She could feel it sliding in deeper and deeper until he reached the back of her throat.

“Do you like that?” Benedict said. “Does it make you want to cum?”

“Yes,” she said in a breathy voice. “It makes me want to cum.”

She leaned in and started sucking his cock. She could feel her ass leaking out the beer that he had poured into. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter as she wrapped her fingers around his hard cock.

“Good.” Benedict moved his hands to her breasts and squeezed. “You are ready for the machine.”


Inga released his cock and took a deep breath. Benedict was right. She needed to relax. She needed to be thinking like an alien.

She felt the machine going in and out of her ass as she put a hand up against his chest. She was going to get into the head of an alien. It will not be easy, but she will have the best people working on it.

She needed to make sure that the aliens didn’t get back to their planet. She was going to control them. Inga closed her eyes as the machine went in and out, in and out.

“What will happen to them?” she asked as Benedict spread her legs. “What will happen to the people captured by the aliens?”

“I’m not sure.” he said in a low voice. “The aliens are aggressive creatures, but I thought they were peaceful.”

Inga nodded her head and closed her eyes.

“You are going to make them think you are an alien, too,” he said in a low voice. “Get into their heads.”

She needed to think like an alien. It was the only way that they wouldn’t kill her, but it also meant that she was going to have to think about sex.

She had never thought about aliens before, but she could feel her pussy getting wetter as the machine went in and out of her. Inga took a deep breath as she tried to get into the mind of an alien.

“Get into their heads,” Benedict said loudly. “You need to get into the mind of an alien and you have to do it now.”

Inga looked down and gasped as the machine stopped going in and out. She felt her ass opening up; it was going to burst open any minute now.

She felt her body swaying as she could hear groaning and moaning behind her. She opened one eye and saw Benedict fingering himself right in front of her face.

“What did you think about?” he asked her. “Tell me what you thought about.”

Inga watched as his cock started jerking and cumming right in her face. Some hot juices were splashing on her chest.

She took a deep breath as she reached out and started feeling his cock.

“I thought about the aliens,” she said in a low voice as he put his hand up against her ass. “What kind of sex do they have?”

“They are animals,” Benedict said in a whisper. “An alien will fuck anything.”

“But what kind of sex do they have? What is it like on their planet?”

“It’s something you won’t believe,” he said as he turned around and leaned against the wall. “It’s something you never saw in your life.”

Inga closed her eyes, spread her legs and felt herself slowly sliding down the wall. She was still horny, but she needed to be patient. It would take a little while before the aliens will trust her.

“I’m going to have a hard time with the alien sex,” she said. “I do not know what they do on their planet.”

“You are going to have to find out,” he said.

“I will do my best,” she said. The machine was lying on the floor. It had stopped going in and out.

“And when you know about it,” he said, and moved his hand down to her waist, “you are going to have to make a deal with them.”

Benedict started sucking on her tits. She moaned softly as she felt his tongue sliding over between the curves of her breasts. She could feel the smoothness of his tongue as it slid down to her belly button and then up between the curves of her thighs again.

“We are going to need a deal that will keep them from returning,” she said in a whisper.

“And then you need to get to their heads and reprogram the device.” he said in a low voice. “We need to get inside their heads and see what they are thinking.”

“Alright,” she whispered. “I’ll do what needs to be done.”

“We have to leave now.” he said.

“I just need to get dressed,” she said.

“That will not be necessary,” he said, and pulled her up. “Remember, you are an alien now.”

Inga nodded her head as she felt his hand holding hers. She could feel the hot juices around his cock.

They went out and started walking down a long corridor.


“I’m going to need some more information on the aliens,” she said. “What kind of alien are you talking about?”

Benedict turned around and looked at her. She could see him smiling, though she wasn’t sure why. Benedict was a handsome man. His long hair and dark eyes made him look very exotic. He was the type of man she could never forget or pass up on.

“You need to get into their heads and you will see,” he said in a low voice. “You are going to have to do it repeatedly.”

She nodded.

“It’s going to be very difficult,” he said. “The machine is going back and forth from your brain to theirs, but it will affect your human side.”

“What do you mean?” she asked as they stopped walking and turned left. She saw a wall in front of them and a large doorway.

“You will lose your humanity,” he said as the door opened and they walked into a large room. “You will become more like an animal.”

“What kind of animal?” she whispered.

He pulled her into the room. It was a large waiting room with about twenty aliens sitting around a massive rectangular table.

“They only have one kind of animal on their planet,” he said with an alien-like smile. “It is an animal for sex.”

Inga looked around. The aliens were all sitting in chairs, and they stared at her with their gigantic eyes. She tried not to freak out, but she couldn’t help wondering if they were going to kill her or stick their cocks in her. She was so confused and scared. She had never been through anything like this before in her life.

Inga started walking towards the table in front of her. She could feel all eyes on her. The aliens were staring at her with large open mouths, but they were not breathing. It looked like they were not breathing, but she wasn’t sure.

Her pussy was leaking beer and fluids as everything became clear to her. They had something else in mind! Inga could feel something happening inside of her as the alien thoughts started transforming into her own thoughts and desires. She had to admit that she was enjoying being an alien. She was understanding of what the aliens were thinking about doing on her planet.

She knew how to stop them.

