Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Problem with Pussy Lips

Lena Suvorova
11 min readOct 7, 2021

In these new shorts, she looked fantastic. The only embarrassing thing was that in the front she could see minor bumps from her pussy lips. “Hm.”

“Maybe my panties are too tight and show lips? Should I take them off?”

She took off shorts and panties and put the shorts back on.

“Nope. Looks the same. A little of pussy lips is normal, isn’t it? Maybe it makes it more feminine. Hm.”

Vika looked at her flat belly. She put her hands on it and pushed in a little. It was firm. She turned around again and checked her butt. It was round and nice. She put her hands on it and pushed in.

“Ooh.” She moaned.

“I look absolutely perfect. I am ready. Let’s go.”


She walked a couple of blocks and then suddenly remembered that she forgot to put back her panties.

That thought made her uneasy but also a bit excited.

“Did I ever go to a party without panties on? I don’t think so.”

She waited for the traffic to pass and then crossed the street.

“I can’t go there like this,” she thought. “If somebody sees my pussy lips, I will die of shame.”

She walked back and forth for a couple of minutes. She was torn between her desire to party and fear of embarrassment.

“Maybe I should wait until the end of the day when everyone is drunk?” she thought.

She walked a little more. “My first party without panties. Hm.”

She walked a little more and then suddenly remembered again.

“I forgot to pee before leaving home! I was so excited about my looks in these shorts.”

But she didn’t want to go back. She wanted to go to the party.

“I guess I can hold it a little longer.”

She waited for the traffic to pass and then crossed the street again.


It was an enormous house. There were lights and crowd and music and people everywhere. A little nervous, she tried to calm herself down by thinking of something other than her pussy lips. It worked for a few seconds, but then she started worrying again.

“What if they will notice my pussy lips when I’m dancing? What if people see it when I’m talking to them? I have to pee badly. What should I do? Should I go back home or just enjoy the party?”

“No. I’m not leaving now. I’m going to enjoy the party. Hm.”

She was still debating with herself when she saw a guy who was pretty good looking and started talking to him.

“I have to pee so bad,” she said to the guy. “But I am going to hold it as long as I can. I don’t want to go back.”

“Why? You can pee here, if you want to.”

“What?” she said, surprised. “Are you serious?”

“Sure. But we should go to the bathroom.”


The guy took her by the hand and led her to the bathroom. He opened the door for her. She walked in carefully, feeling a little nervous because she was not sure how it would look in there. She also felt a powerful urge to pee.

“You can pee on this toilet,” he said.

“Really? Are you sure?” she asked, still nervous.

“Yes. Go ahead.”

She unzipped her shorts and let them fall to the floor. She sat on the toilet and started peeing.

“Ah, that feels great,” she said, relieved. “I needed to go so badly.”

“Hm,” the guy said while looking at her shorts. He liked what he saw. “You forgot your panties.”

“I did?” she asked while peeing. “It’s strange. I can’t remember.”

“Don’t worry about it. Nobody is going to make a big deal out of it.”

“Oh, thank you. That’s nice of you to say.”

As she was peeing, Vika felt even more relieved because it was nice to hear that no one was going to make a big deal about it. She just forgot her panties and there is nothing wrong with that.

“No big deal,” she said, relieved while she was peeing. “It’s just a party.”

“What?” the guy asked. “I can’t hear you.”

“This is a splendid party! Nobody is going to make a big deal out of it. I’m here and I can pee, and no one is going to make a big deal out of it. Nobody will look at me strange or say anything. This party is dominant.”

“You’re welcome.”

Vika finished peeing. She took her shorts from the floor and put them back on.

“I’m ready to go back now.” she said. “Thank you so much!”

“No problem. Let’s go.” he said.

She stopped.

“Wait! They show again my pussy lips. Looks at this stupid shorts.”

“I don’t think it’s a big deal. You are at the party. It’s normal.”

“No, I can’t go back to the party like this.”

“I can help you. If you don’t mind.”

“Hm. How?”

“I can cover your pussy lips with something.”

He took a piece of toilet paper and put inside the shorts.

“How is it?” he asked.

“Hm,” she said while looking at herself in the mirror. “Thank you so much! You are a lifesaver!”

She liked how he touched a bit of her pussy inside the shorts. She also actually enjoyed talking to this guy, which is weird because she didn’t know him.

“He’s really cute,” she thought. “Maybe I’ll try to kiss him later tonight.”

“I’m ready to go back now,” she said.


She walked back to the party. Her eyes landed on one girl, who was dancing wildly. She was really into it. Vika couldn’t believe how sexy she looked.

“Oh, my god. I want to be like her,” she thought.

She walked up to the girl and said, “Let’s dance.”

The girl smiled and said, “Okay.”

They started dancing together. The music was glorious. Vika felt uncomfortable in these shorts and without panties, but she was still enjoying herself.

The girl looked at her and smiled. “You look fantastic.”

“Thanks,” Vika replied.

She noticed the girl had a piercing on her belly button. It was a ring with a little chain going down to her pussy. She had a nice little belly and Vika liked it.

“That’s sexy,” she said, pointing at the piercing.

“Thanks,” the girl replied, and then, after a brief pause, she added, “I like your shorts.”

“Oh. Thanks.”

“What’s the brand?”

“Hm? Oh, these are just regular shorts.”

“Regular? I don’t think so. They look great on you.”


“I have a similar pair of shorts,” the girl said. “They are tight in the front and cover my pussy. But when I dance, they move a little and then you can see my pussy lips.”

“Oh, wow.”

“Yeah. I like to show off my pussy lips.”

“You are so brave.”

They kept dancing. The girl was really into it and she looked great. She was moving her body in a sexy way, showing off her belly and all of her curves. Vika couldn’t take her eyes off of her belly button ring.

“I want to have a belly button ring too,” she said.

“You should.”

They kept dancing for a while and then the girl said, “Let’s go somewhere else.”

Vika followed the girl. They went to the backyard.


“Nice backyard,” Vika said, looking around.

The girl took out a cigarette and started smoking it. She offered one to Vika too, but she declined.

“How long have you been smoking?” Vika asked.

“A few years,” the girl replied. “It’s good for my body.”

Vika looked at her and thought that she was right. The girl had an impressive body, and she looked like a real athlete, not like an unhealthy smoker.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” the girl asked.


“Do you want one?”

Vika looked at her and said, “Maybe. I don’t know.”

The girl smiled and took off her shorts, turned around and bent over.

“What are you doing?” Vika asked.

“I want to show you my pussy lips,” the girl replied. “See? My pussy is wet.”

Vika looked at her pussy. And it was true! The girl’s pussy soaked and there were little drops of juices all over it.

“I’m so horny,” the girl said. “I want to get fucked.”

Vika looked at her pussy again and then looked at her face. The girl was looking back, smiling. She bent up and kissed Vika on the lips. Then she put her shorts back on and said, “I’m going to get a drink. Want one?”

“Sure,” said Vika, and kissed the girl on the lips. They both smiled.

The girl went inside the house. Vika was still standing there in the backyard, trying to process what just happened. She was happy but also worried because she wasn’t sure how it was going to go.

“I just kissed a girl,” she thought. “She showed me her pussy.”

After a couple of minutes, the girl came back with two drinks in her hands. She gave one to Vika and said, “Thanks for the kiss.”

“No problem,” Vika replied.

“Are you okay?” the girl asked. “You look sad.”

“I’m fine,” Vika said, smiling. “Just thinking about something.”

They stood there in silence, enjoying their drinks and smoking cigarettes. Then the girl put out her cigarette and said, “I want to show you my pussy again.”

“Oh wow,” Vika thought. “This is going well.”

The girl put down shorts and panties and turned around and bent over. She spread her legs a little and put her hands on the ground for support.

“Do you like it?” she asked.

“Yes,” Vika replied. “It’s beautiful.”

“Thanks,” the girl said. “I like it too.”

They stayed like that for a while. The girl was looking back at Vika and smiling. Vika was looking at her pussy and enjoying the view.

“Let’s go inside,” the girl said. “I need another drink.”


They went inside and found a spot near the wall and stood there.

“What’s your name?” Vika asked.

“Nikki,” the girl replied. “And you?”


They looked at each other for a while, smiled, and kissed again. This time, they were a little more passionate. Vika’s pussy lips felt wet, and she was feeling happy.

“I want to take off my shorts,” Nikki said after a while. “Do you mind?”

“No, not at all.”

Nikki took off her shorts and then her panties. She put them in her bag and smiled at Vika.

“Do you like it?” she asked.

“Yes,” Vika replied, smiling back. “You look great.”

They kissed again, this time even more passionately than before. Nikki’s hands were all over Vikas’ body.

“Let’s go to the bathroom,” Nikki said after a while. “I want to show you my pussy again.”

They walked across the house and went to the bathroom. Inside, there were three girls who looked like they were having fun together. They all had drinks in their hands and when Vika came in, they smiled at her.

“Hey,” one of them said. “You look fantastic.”

“Thanks,” Vika replied. “What are you doing here?”

“We came to pee,” one girl said. “And to have some fun.”

“Really?” Vika asked. “Do you want to show me?”

“Of course,” the girl said and smiled. “We’ll do it together.”

“Okay,” Vika said.

Girls took off their clothes. Vika and Nikki did the same. They stood together against the wall, holding each other’s hands and giggling happily.

They all kissed each other. There were ten breasts, four pussies, and one cock, all pressing against each other in a beautiful display of affection.

They hugged and caressed each other’s bodies as they kissed passionately for several minutes. Vika’s pussy soaked again, and she started feeling warm inside. She loved how the two girls felt against her body and loved the way their breasts felt against her nipples. She loved the way their pussies felt pressed against hers.

“This is amazing,” Vika said as she kissed all of them left and right. “I love you girls.”

“I love you too,” the girl replied, and kissed her again. They stayed like that for a while. Everyone was kissing everyone else. They kissed each other’s nipples, pussies, and asses.

“Lets go back to the party,” one girl said after a while. “There are people I want to see.”

Vika put back her shorts and noticed they showed again her pussy lips. She sigh.

“Don’t worry about it,” Nikki said, as if she read Vika’s mind. “Everyone has their own body.”

Vika looked around and noticed Nikki was right. There were girls with big pussies and small pussies. There were girls with long hair and short hair. There were girls with small tits and big tits. There were even boys! She saw at least five of them.

“I guess I shouldn’t feel ashamed about my body.”

“No,” Nikki said, putting her hand on Vika’s butt as they walked back to the party. “You shouldn’t.”


“Do you want to go to the park?” asked Nikki. “It’s so hot in here.”

“Let’s not go to the park,” said Vika. “There are animals. Let’s go to the lake.”

“Really? What animals?” asked Nikki as they stepped outside of the house.

“You know, raccoons, bears, coyotes.”

“Tell me more,” Nikki said. “Tell me more about why you are so scared of animals.”

“I saw a mountain lion once,” Vika said. “It was in the zoo. And I was so terrified.”

“What were you doing there?” Nikki asked.

“I work there,” Vika said, “at the zoo.”

“I see,” Nikki said. “That’s why you are so afraid of animals.”

“Yup,” Vika said. “And petrified when my pussy leaps are showing.”


“It’s a long story.”


They walked to the lake and sat down on the bench near it. It was very dark. There were no lights anywhere. The only light came from some faraway streetlights and the moon above them.

“What if a mountain lion comes out of the lake?” Vika asked.

“There are no mountain lions in our lake,” Nikki said. “And I’m sure there are no bears or coyotes either.”

“How do you know?” Vika asked. “Maybe there is a cave somewhere under the water and all these animals are living there?”

“You are so silly,” Nikki said. “How would they breathe under the water?”

“Maybe they have gills.”

“No, I don’t think so,” Nikki said. “It’s a stupid idea.”

“Maybe it’s not as stupid as you think,” Vika said. “I mean, look at the lake! There is no way to see how deep it is because there are no lights. And what if it’s not just one cave? What if there are several caves and they all connect to each other?”

“Oh, wow,” Nikki said. “Now I’m afraid of the lake.”

“What if there is a giant octopus living in it?” Vika asked. “And what if that octopus attacks us right now?”

“I think you are too much,” Nikki said. “We are just sitting here, enjoying the view.”

“I guess you’re right,” Vika said. “But if something happens to us, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Okay,” Nikki said. “I won’t.”

They sat there for a few minutes in silence. Vika tried to spot animals hiding in the lake, but it was too dark to see anything. Nikki closed her eyes and took a deep breath of fresh air.

“You are so beautiful,” Vika said.

“What?” Nikki asked, opening her eyes. “Did you say something?”

“No,” Vika said. “I was just admiring your beauty.”

“Thank you,” Nikki said. “I’m so sleepy.”

“Me too,” Vika said. “I’m also exhausted.”

“My head is spinning and I feel so light.”

Vika closed her eyes and rested her head on Nikki’s shoulder. “I’m going to sleep.”

“Good night.”

“Good night, beautiful.”

Image by Tomas Dratnal from Pixabay

