The Creature in His Ass

Lena Suvorova
9 min readNov 18, 2021


Dan woke up because he felt that something entered his ass. He was terrified and wanted to wake up Roy, but he couldn’t move. Something hard was entering his ass deeper and deeper.

His ass started tingling with pleasure as the thing inside him moved back and forth. It felt so good that Dan couldn’t think about anything else — only the sensation of pleasure spreading all over his body. But then he realized that this hard thing inside him was something living. It was very wide, but it felt so good to have it inside his ass. Dan believed he should be scared about what happened because he can’t move, but every single cell in his body told him that this was good.

After some time, the thing inside him moved faster and faster. Dan wanted to scream, but he couldn’t. He was in so much pleasure that he forgot about everything else. The last thing Dan remembered was an intense orgasm without ejaculation — and then nothing more.

Roy woke up as soon as Dan’s ass started convulsing. He didn’t understand what was happening to his friend, but he knew that something had to be done about it. Roy grabbed a piece of wood from the floor and started hitting Dan with it.

“Dan, wake up.” Roy shouted at the top of his lungs. Finally, after the third hit on the head, Dan opened his eyes and said: “What happened?”

“I don’t know, you were having an orgasm and then I hit you in order to wake you up.” Roy replied.

Dan couldn’t remember anything about the thing inside him, but he could still feel it pulsing inside his ass. The sensation made him want to moan softly.

“Why are you lying on the floor?” Roy asked.

Dan didn’t answer because there was something else that he had to think about — what living thing was in his ass? He tried moving a little, but it didn’t make a difference to the creature inside him. It just stayed where it was and kept moving back and forth, causing pleasant waves of pleasure all over Dan’s body.

“What is this?” Dan finally asked.

“I don’t know, but I think we should stop it before it hurts you.” Roy said. He grabbed the piece of wood again and started hitting Dan with it again — only harder this time. After a few blows on the head, Dan closed his eyes and said: “Stop.”

Roy stopped hitting him, but he didn’t put down the piece of wood. He raised it above his head to hit Dan in case something else happened — but nothing did.

Suddenly Roy felt that in his ass something hit him really hard and then he felt the same sensation that was in Dan’s ass. Roy looked at his friend and said: “We should go to the hospital.”

Dan couldn’t speak because he felt like something was hitting his ass harder and harder. He grabbed his friend’s hand and pulled him toward the door. When they were in front of it, Roy told Dan to open it — but when he tried, he couldn’t do it. Just a few seconds ago, he could have opened this door with just one finger, but now it seemed impossible for him to open it anymore.

“What happened?” asked Dan.

“I don’t know, I think we are stuck here.” Roy replied. “We need a key.”

“But there is no key in here since we moved from our old house.” Dan said. “I remember you moved all your stuff out of this room except for two pieces of wood which you put on the floor next to your bed.” Suddenly a thought came into Dan’s head: ‘Maybe those pieces of wood are our keys.’ So he told his friend:

“Try the one with a flat end.”

Roy took the piece of wood and started moving it all around the lock on the door. After a few minutes, Roy could open the door and they both got out of the room.


Their bodies were trembling with pleasure as they were walking down the stairs. They told each other that this was a bad dream, but they felt that there was a living thing in their asses.

Finally, after a while, they both heard a very familiar voice from above their heads that said:

“Try to slowly push out your asses.”

The boys looked up and saw Maria, who was standing on the top of stairs with a long stick in her hand. She was pointing the stick down to them.

“What is that thing in my ass?” Dan asked.

“I’ll explain later. For now, just listen to me and try to push out your asses.” Maria said.

“What?” Roy asked. He didn’t want to try anything except maybe get rid of the thing in his ass.

“Just trust me, please.” Maria said. She then turned around and started walking away from them.

Guys finally listened to her advice and tried to push out their asses — but nothing happened until they pushed them together at the same time. Just when their asses touched, something moved inside both of them, causing even more pleasure.

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard outside the house and one wall started shaking because something hit it hard. The two boys were so scared this time because it felt like they were being attacked again — only there wasn’t any explosion or fire this time. They just heard some screams that sounded very familiar, but then everything fell silent again. After that Maria came back into the room with a big smile on her face saying:

“Come on.”


Roy and Dan followed her outside the house and saw a lot of things they didn’t recognize. Some of them were moving, but all of them were covered in a hard shell. They were all connected to the wall by a tube that was going into their ass — just like what happened to them. The two boys’ heads started spinning when they understood that the same creatures were living inside their bodies. Dan and Roy felt that the creature inside their asses was moving quickly back and forth — but it wasn’t painful at all.

“Will we be like this forever?” Dan finally asked.

“No, not forever. But if you want to stay like this, you will.” Maria said with a very serious face.

“I’ll explain everything, but first we should go inside the house again.” She added before taking them back into the house.

The boys followed her in silence.

As soon as they went inside the house, Maria pointed towards two chairs — one for each of them. The boys sat down on their chairs, thinking about what had happened to them. Finally, Maria came inside with a big smile saying:

“Welcome to the most interesting part of your lives.”

“What?” Dan asked.

“You’re both pregnant, that is what is happening.” said Maria, even though it made her sad to tell them the truth. But she didn’t have any other choice — she had to do it now or never.

“And I’m sure you already know who the fathers are.” She added with a sad face before turning away from them and leaving the room.

Roy knew everything now, but he still didn’t understand why he was feeling so good all over his body — just like when they were having sex with Beth and Maria at the same time.

Dan was thinking the same thing — but he wasn’t able to say anything because his belly started tingling with pleasure again. He put his hands over his belly and felt something moving underneath it — something that had no head or legs yet. Maria came back into the room just as Dan was trying to understand what this new feeling meant for him.

“I’m sorry for everything you’ve had to go through, but now it’s time for you to pay up.” She said before starting talking in a strange voice:

“Come on guys, come on, leave them alone.” Maria repeated her words three times until she finally dipped her fingers into their asses and shook them.

“Now they’re ready for you.” She added before spitting on their asses, making them harder than ever before. The last thing both of the boys saw was her eyes before something wide entered both of them at the same time — deep inside their bodies…


As soon as Maria left them alone, Roy and Dan were moving faster than ever before — trying to understand what was happening to them. The only thing they could feel was the creature inside their asses and it took all their attention. But after a while, Dan started feeling something familiar on his belly — something living and very active. It was the first time he felt this sensation, so he didn’t know what was happening to him, but it felt so good that he forgot about everything else. After some time, the creature inside Dan’s belly moved even faster than before and started making sounds that were very familiar to him:


Dan tried to say something but his words came out of his mouth sounding like:


After that, Dan felt that something wet entered his mouth. It took him a few seconds before he realized that this was Roy’s cock. The feeling of something moving inside his mouth was amazing, and he didn’t even mind that it tasted totally different. He started sucking Roy’s cock very hard.

“Oh, my God!” Roy moaned. He was feeling the same thing while he was sitting in his chair with a creature moving inside his belly.

Suddenly, Maria came back into the room with a long stick in her hand that had something at the end.

She saw what Roy and Dan were doing and smiled. Then she started slowly pushing the stick inside Roy’s ass. He closed his eyes and moaned with pleasure:

“Mmmmm, that feels sooooo goooood…” he said.

He wasn’t able to speak anymore because the creature inside his ass started moving faster than ever before. It was making him feel so good that he completely forgot about everything else — but suddenly Maria stopped pushing the stick in his ass and pulled it out again. Roy opened his eyes and looked at her with a look of pure hatred on his face.

“What’s happening to me?” Roy asked with a weak voice because he didn’t have enough energy to speak louder than that.

“You’re pregnant — just like Dan.” Maria said with a big smile on her face.

Maria started slowly pushing the stick inside Roy’s ass again and this time, he felt even more pleasure. She pushed the stick deeper and deeper until it finally reached the creature inside him. The creature suddenly disappeared from his ass and Roy felt so empty that he couldn’t even think straight.

After a few seconds, something else appeared from inside his asshole and started moving deeper towards his belly — first slowly, but then faster and faster. He felt a strange sensation after that — something that differed totally from what he felt before.

“What the fuck is that?” Roy screamed as his belly started moving. Something was happening inside him and he couldn’t stop it. He felt like this thing inside his belly would burst out of him soon — but just as he was about to give up, something exploded from inside Roy’s belly and something cold hit his face. Even though it wasn’t very hard, Roy could catch it with both of his hands and hold it in front of his eyes so he could see what it was:

“A baby…”

Roy kept repeating these two words over and over again because he didn’t expect to find a baby inside him. He looked at Maria, who was staring at him with a big smile on her face.


The baby was really strange — it had no head and its body was just a bag of something very soft. After a few moments, Dan came into the room and grabbed the baby from Roy’s hands. He looked at it for a second and then shake it until he heard two sounds coming out of its body:

“Arrrrr… arrr…”

“Oh my God, it’s alive.” said Maria.

After a while, the baby stopped moving. It had no eyes, but everybody felt it was staring straight into their souls. It was like it was trying to tell them something, but then it started moving again and fell back into Dan’s arms.

“Look how cute it is.” said Roy with a big smile on his face. “What should we name him?” he added before picking up the baby and holding it in his hands for a second or two:

“Or her,” he corrected himself while looking at Maria, who was smiling again.

“Let’s name him…James,” she said with big tears in her eyes. She didn’t have any children, so she couldn’t be happier than this right now… After all, this child was created with love…so no matter what happened later, she would never forget about this day…

“Arrrrr… arrr…”

